
Menu Duration 1. YOGA NIDRAYOGIC RELAXATION Psychic sleep for relaxation of the mind and body Yoga Nidra is a state of consciousness where one flits between sleep and wakefulness. It is a state of inner awareness,...


Meditation refers to the state of mind where the body is consciously soothed and relaxed, while the mind is made calm and composed.

Menu Duration
Psychic sleep for relaxation of the mind and body Yoga Nidra is a state of consciousness where one flits between sleep and wakefulness. It is a state of inner awareness, wherein, one communicates with the subconscious and the higher conscious. This practice relaxes the mind and the entire body through the awakening of the sense of hearing and feeling.
25 Minutes
Psychic sleep for the evolution of the dormant potential within.The advanced level of Yoga Nidra (Psychic Sleep) brings about a complete relaxation of the internal organs, synchronisation in the flow of breath and energy, leading to a balanced state of mind. Through creative visualisations, you explore the dormant potential within and you sow a seed of resolve (Sankalpa) in the subconscious mind to bring a positive change in you.
50 Minutes
Experience balance and develop the emotional aspects of your personality. In this practice, one can be guided to become aware of the heart space. One observes the heart space with the attitude of a witness watching one’s prevailing and changing emotions. This practice allows us to communicate with our emotions and provides a detached space to view and express one's emotional being. This practice is combined with Trataka (candle-flame gazing), a powerful technique to alleviate mental tension, anxiety, insomnia and depression.
50 Minutes
For awakening of the energy centers An advanced practice in which you become aware of your breath and the psychic passage of energy (Pranas), followed by the visualisation of the movements of breath and repetition of the spontaneous mantra – soham. This is an extraordinarily calming and therapeutic practice that brings about an awakening in your energy centres, leading to a higher level of awareness.
50 Minutes
5. ANTAR MOUNA Inner Silence
Management of thoughts In this practice, one remains a silent witness of every thought that is traversing the mind. One focuses on what the mind is thinking, how it is reacting and what images are appearing from the subconscious. Antar Mouna teaches one to observe the process of the mind and to find ways to bring it under control.
40 Minutes
6. SAMATTVA Balance
Our signature Yoga treatment takes you through a profoundly contemplative and meditative journey, leading to a heightened state of well-being. After a personalised consultation, our yoga expert will guide you through a series of ‘Asanas’ (body and mind postures) and ‘Pranayamas’ (controlled breathing techniques) leaving you energised and balanced. Experience higher levels of oncentration with ‘Trataka’ (steady flame gazing) and Kaya Sthairam (consciously stilling the body).Restore the body’s chakras (energy centres) and enhance clarity of mind with gem stone visualisation, an intense colour therapy experience. You will then be asked to pick a contemplation card. The inspiring word inscribed upon it, needs to be reflected upon and an intention - ‘sankalpa’ is to be made. Guided meditation followed by Yoga Nidra (a state of conscious deep sleep) amplifies your relaxed state of being and offers you pristine moments of lucidity. Journal writing ends this introspective experience. This spiritual therapy embracing ancient practices is effective in helping you attain poise and equilibrium in mind.